Over the Christmas/New Year break and in between finishing some design projects and prepping for my long-term Te Araroa trail excursion Hana and I decided to return to Stewart Island for a tramping trip on the classic North West Circuit, 14 years after our previous journey there. I’d been back to photograph Mt Anglem for Our Mountains but that had been a lightning trip along ground I’d covered once before. This time we water taxied into Bungaree Hut on the NW circuit’s eastern side and walked to Christmas Village Hut the same day. Over the following 6 days we walked anticlockwise around the circuit, finishing at Freshwater Hut and watertaxiing back out.
It was great to see some sections of the island for the first time and the diversity of the landscape, the coastline, the bush and the ecosystems really hit home this trip. It is an incredible environment to tramp in and must be the best coastal tramp in New Zealand. It was a real bonus to have three separate daytime kiwi encounters (Stewart Island kiwi feed during the day, and night) as well as a general abundance of other bird life.
Hope you enjoy the photos.

First evening on the island. This stretch of bouldery beach is just along from Christmas Village Hut.

Great to be on Rakiura while the rata is flowering in abundance, bringing bursts of colour to the bush.

Rakiura’s beaches all differ in character, keeping the tramping constantly interesting. This rugged stretch is between Long Harry and East Ruggedy Huts.

Approaching West Ruggedy Beach. 14 years earlier we’d flown onto this beach and then walked in the other direction (clockwise) back to Oban. It was neat to be back again.

Looking west at sunset from Big Hellfire Pass. These dunes have formed in the pass and along the ridge 200 vertical metres above the sea.

First view into Mason Bay. The route follows a bouldery beach and the sand as it arcs around the bay.
Great work! Love Rakiura. This takes me back to walking the NW a few years ago. Magic.
Cheers Jason – yep my third trip and it just gets better and better.